We think and fish different. We believe fly fishing is for everyone. We believe it should be affordable, fun, and success should be attainable. It's not just for trout or expensive saltwater destinations. Any fish that swims in or near your neighborhood can be fair game. We think that all anglers should pick up a fly rod, whether it becomes their primary fishing means or not. There are times and places where it can be the most fun means to fish. There are times and places for trolling, jigging, and baitcasting too, but we want fly fishing to be cool and interesting for everyone at least some of the time.
Eric hurst
I'm sure you've heard of Eric's streamers, the Thrasher and Agent Scully. Eric has been spinning up meaty flies for quite some time and treats it as an artform. Being able to imitate a food source by creatively lashing feathers on a hook to catch lurking creatures beneath the waters surface has always intrigued him. Based out of Georgia, he's a signature fly tyer for Umpqua Feather Merchants.
Instagram: @erichurst
Chase Smith lives in Texas Hill Country where he designs and ties flies. Inspired by Blane Chocklett's GameChanger patterns, he spends most of his fishing days targeting carp or throwing big Changers for bass. Each year, Chase frequents the Texas coast with his buddies to fish more exotic locations and saltwater species.
Instagram: @fishchaseflies
Derek Darst was born and raised in St. Maries, Idaho. He started out fly fishing with his dad on the St. joe chasing west slope cutthroat as soon as he could walk. These days St. Joe River cutthroat are still one of his favorites but he also have a passion for chasing bull trout, bass, pike and just about anything that swims. When he's not on the water he can be found in his basement tying flies for his business St. Maries Flies specializing in deer hair bass bugs and streamers.
Instagram: @saintmariesflies
Owner and operator of Midnight Sun Custom Flies, Jonathan Farmer is dedicated to providing extremely high quality flies designed for the swing and tied of the highest quality tying materials available on the market. Based in Anchorage, Alaska (Land of the Midnight Sun), Jonathan is known for tying flies specific to anadromous species and understands the importance of producing flies that last fish after fish.
Instagram: @midnightsuncustomflies
After beginning to chase Atlantic Salmon in 2018, Kenzie immediately picked up his first vise and dove into the realm of fly tying. With a self-described obsessive personality, it did not take long for Kenzie to become enamored with Atlantic salmon and steelhead fly patterns. While spending much of his time tying traditional Atlantic salmon hairwings and dry flies, Kenzie gradually developed a love for Scandinavian tube flies, traditional Spey and Dee flies, and PNW spey-style patterns.
In 2022, Kenzie registered Kozera Flies and Media and more recently, in early 2023, he began posting to his blog “Feathers to Iron, Words to Paper”. The purpose of this initiative was to offer fly tying tutorials, discuss conservation and ethics, and merely open up discussion on all things angling and fly tying.
Home Province: Nova Scotia
Favorite Target Species: Atlantic Salmon... on the swing.
Go-to Fly Pattern: "January Special"
Hidden Talent: If I find one, we can update this...
Instagram: @kenziekozera
Grant Bridges A.K.A. GARTH VADER
Grant a.k.a Garth Vader grew up bass fishing with spinning gear which eventually turned into nerding out about trout with fly rod in-hand. This transition happened about 10 years ago and continued to morph into fly tying and serious angling. Grant says tying flies used to be about staying sharp behind the vise and knowing patterns when customers came into the shop. Now he just enjoys tying anything on a shank and seeing people fish his patterns.
Home State: Maryland
Favorite Target Species: Fish
Go-to Fly Pattern: Murdich Minnow
Hidden Talent: I can juggle... chainsaws
Instagram: @garth_vader_fly_co
Amanda began tying flies for anadromous fish before she ever picked up a two-handed rod. It was the taking of her flies to the river to see how they swam that got her hooked in spey casting. She bought herself a pair of waders, boots and a 7wt used rod sight unseen off and has not looked back. As a mother of five, and self proclaimed stubborn mule, Amanda has taken her passion for tying Steelhead flies and made it a business. She fits in tying flies and guiding on the Rivers of Western Washington and Puget Sound amidst all the family shenanigans of school, sports, and keeping everyone fed and happy.
Home State: Washington
Favorite Target Species: Steelhead
Go-to Fly Pattern: Deep Purple Spey Variant
Hidden Talent: Will play piano and sing for tips
Instagram: @thegirlwhotiesflies