Posted: September 25, 2024Currently, fewer than a dozen outlets are licensed to sell his flies, one being—yours truly—House of Fly. If you buy Game Changers outside this network, Blane has a question for you: Are you pitchin’ real Chocklett? The answer: Probably not....
Posted: September 16, 2024We, at The House of Fly, were lucky enough to have the recent opportunity to cast The Pure 2 at the Winston Rod factory in Twin Bridges, Montana. While we were there, we casted the New Winston rod, The Pure 2....
Posted: September 04, 2024It is not always the best technique, but it’s not in my nature to put down the spey rod for long. Beyond effectiveness, it is an enjoyable style of fishing. It’s deliberate. It’s laid back. It’s showing a fly to the fish and giving them ample opportunity to eat it. If they like it, they will respond and when they eat, it’s a jolt on a tight line....