66 Fly Fishing Rules

Sometime in the fall of 2015, about a dozen of us were holed up at a river house we rented just down river from Prewitt Creek on the Missouri River in Montana. It was late and we had fished all day, so with our minds at an elevated level we began to brainstorm the rules of fly fishing. For some reason it occurred to me to write everything down that night, and assumed I’d never see it again. However, in a recent move to a new home I found this reckless list and thought I better type it out before I lose it for another few years. 

At this point The Fly Project wasn’t even yet a thing but all the original founders were present and helped in the creation of this master list. I’m sure there is plenty of debate to be had but to preserve the integrity of these scrolls I must document exactly as it is written. Trust me, I really wanted to alter a few of these:

  1. You can’t catch a fish if your lines not in the water.
  2. Never leave fish to find fish.
  3. From shore, always cast as far as possible but from a boat cast as close to shore as possible.
  4. Just hit the water.
  5. The deeper the water the bigger the fish.
  6. Don’t post spots on the internet if you don’t want people to know about them.
  7. If you aren’t catching fish, you aren’t good at it.
  8. If you only have one fly, it will be your best fly.
  9. Don’t speak of the camera until the fish is in the net.
  10. Always put the net back in the same spot.
  11. A bad day of fishing is better than work.
  12. Always drink with your left hand.
  13. Tug is the drug.
  14. Don’t low hole.
  15. It’s not the size that matters.
  16. Step after you swing, and faster than you think you should.
  17. Fish out every cast.
  18. Go with your gut, unless you aren’t good.
  19. Don’t go back to a buddy’s spot without permission.
  20. The further you go from home the better the fishing.
  21. Always carry at least 100 flies.
  22. Bonk hatch fish.
  23. White fish eat pink scuds.
  24. Any fish is a good fish.
  25. Never use less than 5x
  26. Use the biggest tippet that will fit through the eye of your hook.
  27. Tie your own flies.
  28. Sharpen your hooks.
  29. Never shave during a fishing trip (Men).
  30. Fishing isn’t luck.
  31. Fishing is not a game.
  32. Don’t put down your friends.
  33. No bananas in the boat.
  34. Always fire harden your sticks.
  35. Use a dollar bill to measure your fish.
  36. A tricked fish is a caught fish.
  37. Orvis makes good dog beds.
  38. Never buy rubber sole wading boots.
  39. Expensive flies catch more fish.
  40. The splash and giggle crew is your friend.
  41. Fluorocarbon is not a crime.
  42. Baby hands make better pictures.
  43. Don’t wade deeper than your waders.
  44. Don’t pee in your waders.
  45. If you are cold and see a hot tub on the river get in.
  46. All big fish live under bridges.
  47. Boat ramp fish only eat real insects.
  48. Keep wild fish wet.
  49. Don’t be a hater.
  50. Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.
  51. Don’t run out of drink.
  52. Never substitute dyed mallard with wood duck.
  53. Don’t let Cornfed tie intruders.
  54. Never be the first to fall asleep.
  55. Don’t go chasing waterfalls.
  56. Learn how to row.
  57. Put the boat plugs in.
  58. Don’t make stupid rules.
  59. Don’t drink river water because of beavers and aquadumps.
  60. Don’t use gink on streamers.
  61. Bring floatant.
  62. Don’t start forest fires.
  63. You don’t have to wash wool.
  64. Separate your white clothes from your darks.
  65. Anything cool now will be cool again in 20 years.
  66. Shoot for the moon because if you miss you land in the stars. 

What’s missing?  What’s the best rule on the list?  Comment below.